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Purple Dream

Is it even possible? *sigh*
Saturday, November 30, 2013 | 0 comment(s)

Hai! Its been awhile right, yea i know. Its just i feel like blogging right now. Since fathin make over my blog.  I atleast need to appreciate it aite.  What you're asking me bout fathin? Oh i forgot to introduce her. Shes my housemate roommate friend or i can say bestfriend.

So now you know her lets get to the main point. Aren't you curious guys about the topic im gonna tell you? Well heres the story. I have a huge crush on someone. Wait! Let me finish. I know what all of you gonna say. You're gonna say its the typical same story from young adult.. like me. But its not. You see. I first know him in my orientation in msu. Oh i forgot. I am now a university student. Diploma in tesl. Yea. Imma future teacher. Hehe. Oh sorry. Lets continue.  Em where do i stop? Oh ya. He is the transfered student from Turmenikstan. *i don't really know how to spell it*  ah whatever it is. Hes the foreigner student that drive me crazy. Or should i say the very first foreigner that i know and drive me crazy.  His name is Kaka jaan, his name is cute right. I know. Haha.  Wanna see his face? Wait. But im not sure if you can see it. But just try who knows you guys can have a thought about how he looks like.  Im sorry. I don't know how to put a picture in this cuz im blogging using my phone. And this is my first time.  Sokay next time when i have time i put his picture. You guys will just have to wait. Ok.

What i like about him is of course because of his look. *typical me* heh. Then i think he is the same kind with me, you know pretty well right, that i have this pakistani blood in me. So it makes the bond there with him. Hehe. You see whenever i saw him i at the hallway cafe or even in library, my heart started to flutter. It skip a beat. Very wonderful feeling. Hee. Also i sense he also noticed me, that what make me more anxious to know him, i always went to the place that he used  to hang. So it will be like we bump into each other accindentally. Yea i know. Its a bit naughty. But what can i do. I love it. Hm,

I've been writting long right. I should stop now. Its late. I have to wake up early tomorrow. Its not that i have class. It just i have appointment tomorrow about my fitness. Im going to the lake with le roommates, we are going to jog tomorrow. Banzai. Yea. Em. Its not that i hate jogging  with them. It just i dislike the fact that  i have to wake up early. Hm.  okay. This one is real. I am really going to stop. Bye fellas.  Till we meet again!

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